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ENGLISH Ignite - Sword Art Online II

  • TA的每日心情
    2023-9-10 01:03
  • 簽到天數: 668 天

    連續簽到: 1 天



    Another-見崎鳴Another-櫻木由香里變態王子與不笑貓-月子變態王子與不笑貓-筒隱 筑紫變態王子與不笑貓-筒隱 月子灼眼的夏娜-夏娜灼眼的夏娜-夏娜Another-赤澤泉美5周年紀念

    發表於 2016-4-19 19:22:01 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式 | Google Chrome 39.0.2171.71| Windows 7


    I feel it deep in my heart
    The fears dragging me down one by one
    Still I aim high shooting towards the sky

    The world is right as I hold the tears back with a smile
    and it's clear that no one notices these thoughts of mine
    You wonder why one must take on so much pain in life
    Nothing's ever set in stone, you've got to keep an open mind

    Take a deep breath and then you'll see
    We have power over destiny
    The future is in our hands
    So don't give up
    Ignite the dreams at hand

    I feel it deep in my heart
    The fears dragging me down one by one
    Still I aim high shooting towards the sky
    No matter what comes my way
    I'll never falter or doubt past mistakes
    Slowly, surely, reaching your embrace
    It always feels so far away
    The memories of our happy days
    Even now I'll believe

    Throughout the noise, thoughts are clashing at rapid pace
    All the things the could go wrong ring true inside my mind
    And so with haste I get on my knees and say a prayer
    Living in this fallen world, you can't give up without a fight

    While it's easier to turn and run
    Pushing back will get you what you want
    The journey is in our grasp
    It won't be long
    Rise up and take a stand

    I swear I'll never forget
    The past me that was filled with regret
    Still I move on chasing for the dawn
    No longer will I be wrong
    A fire burning at last with resolve
    Now forever, here until the end
    With every breath I'm getting strong
    These feelings pushing me along
    Here with you I have faith

    All of a sudden the road feels brighter
    The heavens bursting with light and power
    With newfound courage I brace the future once again

    I feel it deep in my heart
    The fears dragging me down one by one
    Still I aim high shooting towards the sky
    No matter what comes my way
    I'll never falter or doubt past mistakes
    Slowly, surely, reaching your embrace
    It always feels so far away
    The memories of our happy days
    Even now I'll believe

    紫音動漫組 - 論壇版權1、本主題所有言論和圖片純屬會員個人意見,與本論壇立場無關
    2、本站所有主題由該帖子作者發表,該帖子作者與紫音動漫組 享有帖子相關版權
    3、其他單位或個人使用、轉載或引用本文時必須同時徵得該帖子作者和紫音動漫組 的同意
    7、紫音動漫組 管理員和版主有權不事先通知發貼者而刪除本文


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  • TA的每日心情
    2021-3-4 11:22
  • 簽到天數: 462 天

    連續簽到: 1 天


    發表於 2016-4-23 14:50:41 | 顯示全部樓層 | Google Chrome 49.0.2623.112| 

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